Friday, July 2, 2010

To be or not to be a Soccer Fan

 So there's this thing going on called the World Cup, the so-called greatest sporting event in the world. If you're like me, an ambivalent semi-fan of soccer, then you NEED to check out this video from Tosh.0. It seriosuly puts the game in its place. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy watching exciting soccer highlights (it's not possible to watch an entire 90+ minute match. And every four years I am a die-hard Team USA fan. But so much of the sport is foreign to me. The best players and leagues are all in Europe and try though I might, it's nearly impossible for me follow the international premier leagues. 
 So as we all collectively try to beat the 'World Cup blues' let's remember that this might be the world's game, just not exactly ours. If that even makes sense. Whatever, I speak American...and it's baseball season.


Catherine said...

you should post on fbook or twitter when you update this thing...just saying

Rich said...

yeah i do on twitter but so many of my friends on facebook are soccer fans/former players so i was avoiding them lol