Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July, We Hardly Knew Ye..

  I don't care what the calendar says, July is the new February -- i.e. the new shortest month of the year. That's not a fact or anything it's just how I've come to feel after seeing one too many sweltering summer days disappear into crisp, chilly autumn eves. Time in general just seems to always be slipping away faster each year. I guess that since spring and summer are the most enjoyable seasons, it only makes sense that they fly by the quickest. July, falling smack in the middle of summer has become annoyingly fast.
  It's gotten so that everyone gets excited about the Fourth of July and then, like that, it's August. What the hell? Now I'm one of the first to admit that I prefer the crisp air of fall or spring to the mid-summer humidity...particularly the insane hellacious heatwaves we endured earlier this month. But once we get to fall it means that the leaves start falling, the air gets even colder and before you know it it's winter!
  What does all this mean? I guess that I should stop contemplating the endless march of time and enjoy the summer while its still here.

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