Friday, June 25, 2010

A Weekend with Two Old Friends

Tonight in Los Angeles two of basbeall's biggest ex-rivals will meet under the bright lights of Dodgers Stadium. During the golden age of New York basbeall (the 1950s), the Brooklyn Dodgers met the Yankees in the World Series seemingly every year. This time there's nothing on the line but bragging rights. But for the fans and beat writers, tonights game is frought with plenty of story lines and drama.
In addition to the fact that it's the renewal of a classic rivalry, the main story here is that it's a dual-reunion of sorts for two men Yankees fans might be a little familiar with.
The first is Manny Ramirez, one of the best clutch hitters and a noted Yankee-killer during his time in Bean Town with the Red Sox. During the 2003 and 2004 seasons (and post-seasons) it seemed every time Manny and his pal David Ortiz came up to bat they delivered clutch hits. Now we all know both Manny and Big Papi, like so many players of this era, are former-steroid users. While they still strike some fear into the hearts of opposing pitchers, they're not quite the same as the earlier portion of the decade.
The next man who is reuniting with the Yanks tonight is an old friend, who was forced out of pinstripes too soon because of a falling out with the organizations leadership. Joe Torre came to the Yankees in 1996 with the dubious distinction as having played/managed in the most games of anybody who failed to reach the post-season. In 12 years in the Bronx, Torre won six AL pennants and four world championships - and reached the playoffs every year.
In his first year, Torre impressed and delighted the cold, hardened Yankees fans as well the owner George Steinbrenner with his wit and sense of humor. His likable personality was easy to root for, a nice contrast from the high-spending and high-tempered Steinbrenner. I was very saddened when Joe was forced out a few years back. I've spoken to some fellow fans who act as if he got what was coming to him. I disagree. But I have my memories of the parades down the Canyon of Heroes (seeminlgy annual affairs when Torre was manager) to console me. And I will definitely be watching every out of this weekend's series.

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